For students



To aspirants


Elective courses

Qualification works

Clinical ordinator


The department was founded in 1936. The clinic consisted of 10 beds - 1936, in 1937 - 35, in 1950 - 60, in 1980 - 120 beds (80 on the basis of the regional hospital named after MI Pirogov and 40 on the basis of the regional children's hospital) , in 2019 - 80 beds (40 at the Vinnytsia Regional her hospital. Pirogov, 20 at the Vinnytsia Oblast Children's hospital and 20 at the Vinnytsia district hospital). In 1980, on the basis of ENT department of the regional hospital. Pirogov organized Ukrainian of scleroma center for 40 beds.

The organizer and the first head of the department was Professor V.P. Yaroslavsky, who  headed the department until 1962. Doctoral dissertation topic: "Third-party respiratory tract". Author of 58 scientific works on inflammatory injuries of ENT organs during the years of the BBB, intracranial otogenic complications, puncture methods of brain abscess treatment. The teaching staff included: Ass. km AA Praying mantis, author of 6 scientific works on the spread of scleroma in Vinnytsia region, experimental scleroma and scleroma of the bronchi. as. km EI Turovich is the author of 4 scientific works on pulmonary gas exchange, diagnostics and treatment of patients with sclerosis. as. OV Denis was engaged in radiography of patients with sclerosis. as., PhD Alenhoz NG author of 28 scientific works on radio diagnostics and treatment of patients with sclerosis, treatment of chronic tonsillitis, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, inflammation of the ear.

From 1972 to 2002 the department was headed by Professor K.P. Derepa, author of 188 scientific works on the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of patients with scleroma, surgical treatment of patients with otosclerosis, larynx cancer. The teaching staff included: Ass., PhD OO Matsievskaya , author of 15 scientific works on burns and stenoses of the esophagus, scleroma, foreign bodies of the esophagus. as., PhD. The artist is the author of 33 scientific works on morphology and histology of laryngeal muscles, inflammation of the nasal cavities of the nose, radioisotope diagnostics and treatment with radioactive cobalt of malignant tumors of the nose and sinuses. Ass. PhD VS Bondarenko has published 20 scientific papers on trace element metabolism in patients with sclerosis, treatment of their radon- carbon dioxide in the resort of Khmilnyk. PhD OS Cramp is the author of 8 scientific works on water-salt metabolism in patients with sclerosis. Ass. KMN V. Gardiga is the author of 70 scientific works on the treatment of patients with laryngeal cancer, reconstructive plastic operations on the ear and larynx. Assoc. km VI Hemp is the author of 68 scientific papers on the treatment of patients with scleroma, rhinogenic orbital complications in children. Ass. PhD Bartsyhovskyy author of 105 scientific publications, 2 inventions, 42 rationalization propositions on the study of the impact of the environment on the heredity of allergic respiratory diseases and scleroma and study immunogenetic and immunologic features and imunokorrektsiyi respiratory diseases and scleroma.

Since 2002 the department has been headed by Professor V.V. Kishchuk. He defended his doctoral thesis on tonsillary problem. Author of 164 scientific papers. The department is engaged in improvement of methods of diagnostics and conservative treatment of patients with chronic tonsillitis, sclerosis, microsurgical interventions in pathology of vessels of the ear, blistering cavities, larynx, plastic surgeries.

Now the department is working: doc. A.I. Bartsikhovsky, doc. IV Dmitrenko, doc. KA Lobko, doc. OD Bondarchuk, doc. YP Gritsun, ass. AS Isnyuk, ass. AD Lobko. During this period, the teaching staff of the department included: ass. Rautskis P.A., ass. Skichko S.V., ass. Shamrai S.O., ass. Maksymchuk V.V.

Representatives of the department often give reports at congresses, conferences of the ENT Society, publish their work in magazines, monographs in the periodical press. The employees of the department accept active work in the regional ENT society, and prof. K.P. Derepa has been the chairman for 44 years, and now VV Kishchuk is continuing his work.

Much attention is paid to the training of ENT specialists in the Podolsk region. This is evidenced by the fact that of the 128 otolaryngologists working in the Vinnytsia region, 118 former student circles are the ENT departments. Since 1970, the ENT department has organized and supervised the training of interns at Vinnitsa, Khmelnytsky and Zhytomyr oblasts. The department constantly trains clinical interns, graduate students, masters, interns. Clinical residency was completed by 72 otolaryngologists .

Each year the improved material resources department, be in lo purchased microscopic endoscope for nasal surgery, the clinic performed all modern surgery ENT organs surgical activity in excess of 80%. On the basis of the department passed the primary specialization of 120 doctors. Interns from ENT diseases of Vinnytsia, Khmelnytsky, Zhytomyr, Kirovograd oblasts are trained, family doctors, ambulance doctors are trained on cycles.

Two inter-republican conferences on problems of scleroma and the All-Ukrainian conference of the ENT Society were held at the department. The ENT department maintains close liaison with health authorities.


Kishchuk Vasyl Vasylovych

head of the department, professor, MD

Vasyl Kishchuk entered at the Vinnitsa Medical Institute in 1970, graduating in 1976.
From 1976 to 1977 he studied in internship in otorhinolaryngology at the ENT department of Vinnitsa Regional Clinical Hospital named after Pirogov.
From 1980 to 1982 Kishchuk VV continued his studies in clinical residency at the ENT department of Vinnitsa Medical Institute.
During 1982 - 1984 he worked as an assistant at the ENT department of Vinnitsa Medical Institute.
Since 1984 he has been appointed the head of the ENT department of the regional clinical Pirogovs hospital, which he held for more than 20 years.
Since 1984, Chief Otolaryngologist at the Regional Health Directorate. Member of the Ukrainian Scientific Medical Society of Otolaryngologists. Chairman of the Vinnytsia Regional Society of Otolaryngologists.
Since 1994 he studied at a postgraduate course at the Kiev Kolomiychenko΄s Research Institute of Otorhinolaryngology. , who graduated in 1996, defended his Ph.D. thesis on "The rationale and effectiveness of conservative therapy of patients with chronic tonsillitis by electromagnetic field and thymic immunomodulators ." In 1998, for his significant contribution to the development of medical science and the introduction into clinical practice of new surgical technologies, V.V. Kischuk was named the Honored Doctor of Ukraine.

In 2001 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Clinical and immunological approaches to the assessment of the functional status of the tonsils for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with chronic tonsillitis".
In 2002 he was appointed by the order of the rector of VNMU. MI Pirogov Vasily Kischuk is the head of the ENT department, which he still manages.
In 2004, Vasyl Kishchuk was awarded the academic title of Professor of the Department of Otolaryngology at Vinnitsa National Medical Pirogov University.

Dmytrenko Ihor Vasylovych

substitute head of the department, docent, PhD

After graduating from Gaysin High School №4 with honors, Dmitrenko entered to the medical department of the Gaysin Medical School in 1987, which he graduated with honors in 1991.
From 1991 to 1992 he worked as an X-ray laboratory assistant at the Haisyn central district hospital.
From 1992 to 1998 he studied at the Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University at the Medical faculty.
From September 1998 to February 2000 passed an internship in the specialty "Otolaryngology" at the Vinnytsia Regional Clinical Pirogov Hospital.
In 2000 he received the certificate of Doctor-Otorhinolaryngologist.
From 2000 to 2002 he studied in clinical residency at the Department of ENT Diseases VNMU.
From 2002 to 2008 he worked as an otolaryngologist at the Military Medical Center of the Central Region.
Since 2003 he has been an assistant at the Department of ENT of Diseases of Vinnitsa National Medical University named after MI Pirogov.
In 2008 he received the highest qualification category.
In 2010 he defended his PhD thesis on the topic "Complex pathogenetic treatment of patients with scleroma with the use of radon water and thiotriazoline".
Since 2008, he has been acting head of the teaching unit of the ENT Department.
Since 2012 he has been an associate professor at the ENT department.

Bondarchuk Oleksandr Dmytrovych

docent, PhD

Oleksandr Bondarchuk graduated Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University in 2003.
An internship in otorhinolaryngology at the Vinnytsia Regional Clinical Pirogov Hospital in 2005 he was.
By the decision of the Academic Council of 20.01.2006 on the basis of the defense of the master's scientific work Bondarchuk O.D. was awarded the qualification of Magister of Medicine in the specialty 14.01.19 - Otolaryngology. In 2010 he defended his thesis and received the title of Candidate of Medical Sciences.
On a competitive basis in 2005 he entered the clinical residency in otolaryngology, which in 2007 he graduated.
From 01.08.2005 till now he works as a doctor in ENT department of Vinnytsia Regional Clinical Pirogov Hospital. Since 2010 works as an assistant of the Department of ENT diseases. Since 2014 - Chief freelance ENT specialist of the Department of Health and Resorts in Vinnitsa region.
Since 2016, on the decision of the Academic Council, he has been working as an associate professor of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, VNMU.

Bartsikhovskyi Andrii Ihorovych

docent, PhD

Andriy Bartsikhovsky graduated medical faculty of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University (Vinnytsya) [NPMMU(V)] in 1986. In 1988 he graduated his clinical residency at the ENT-department of NPMMU(V) as otogarylaryngologist. In 1993 he finished postgraduate studies at the NPMMU(V) ENT-department as otolaryngologist with scientific PhD degree with investigation about "Immunological and immunogenetic aspects of allergic rhinitis ”(1994). From 1993 to 1997 he worked as an assistant at the NPMMU(V) ENT-department. Scientific title of associate professor of the NPMMU(V) ENT-department was conferred in 1999. From 1997 till now he works as an associate professor of the NPMMU(V) ENT-department with teaching of otolaryngology in Ukrainian, Russian and English. In 2007 he graduated First Kyiv State Foreign Languages Courses with B2 language proficiency and foreign languages courses at the NPMMU(V). From 2013 to 2018 he worked as a otolaryngologist at the Otolaryngological Department of the Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery, Dentistry, Otolaryngology and Eye Diseases of the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Central Region (MMCC CR) of Ukraine. In 2016 he was awarded the Commemorative Badge of Commander of the Air Forces of Ukraine "For Assistance to the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine". In 2017, he was awarded the medal "For Assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine" by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. In 2017, the MMCC CR Certification Commission confirmed the highest category in otolaryngology.
Bartsihovsky A.I. - co-author of 212 scientific and methodological works, he has registered 2 inventions and 3 patents of Ukraine, 56 innovative proposals. The educational manual “Propedevtic of Otolaryngology” together with the Associate Professor of the NPMMU(V) ENT-department V.V.Garduga was published in Ukrainian and Russian. Under his supervision, 6 master's works were defended, including 2 in English.

Lobko Kateryna Anatoliivna

docent, PhD

Ekaterina Lobko graduated from Vinnitsa National Medical Pirogov University. in 2003. From August 2003 to January 2005, she took an internship in the specialty "Otolaryngology" at the Vinnytsia Regional Clinical Hospital. MI Pirogov. In 2005 she received the certificate of Doctor of Otorhinolaryngologist. In parallel with his internship, he received his master's degree. During the period of study in the magistracy, which she graduated in 2005, she defended her work on the theme: "Influence of chronic tonsillitis on pregnancy and the state of the fetus in different pregnancy periods" and received the diploma of "Master of Medicine" in the specialty 14.01.19 - Otolaryngology with honors. In December 2003, she entered graduate school at the ENT - Diseases Department, which she completed in 2008. In December 2010, she defended her Ph.D. thesis on: "A comprehensive method for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis in pregnant women" at the State Institution "Institute of Otolaryngology. AS Kolomiychenko »NAMS of Ukraine. From February 2005 to November 2011 she worked as a physician for otolaryngology at the Vinnitsa Regional Clinical Hospital. MI Pirogov, has the highest qualification category.
Since September 2007 he has been working as an assistant at the ENT department.
Since 2015 she has been working as an associate professor at the ENT department.

Hrytsun Yaroslav Petrovych


Gritsun Yaroslav Petrovich from 2003 to 2009 studied at Vinnitsa National Medical Pirogov University. From 2009 to 2011 he studied at an internship in the specialty "Pediatric Otolaryngology " at the Vinnytsia Regional Children's Clinical Hospital. From 2011 to 2012 he works as a pediatric otorhinolaryngologist in the Korostyshiv CRC named after M. D.I. Potekhin , where during this period passes specialization courses in the specialization "Otolaryngology" at KNMAPO them. PL Thug. From 2012 to 2014. studied at a clinical residency at the ENT department of Vinnitsa Regional Clinical Hospital. E. Pirogov and worked at MCSLMD # 2 in Vinnitsa. Since 2014. is currently working as a doctor at the ENT department of Vinnytsia Regional Hospital. E. Pirogov. Since 2014 - works as an assistant at the ENT department.

Isniuk Andrii Serhiiovych


Andrey Isniuk from 2004 to 2010 studied at Vinnitsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University. From 2010 to 2012- studied at the internship in the specialty "Pediatric Otolaryngology " at the Vinnytsia Regional Children's Clinical Hospital. From 2012 to 2016 he worked as a pediatric otolaryngologist at the Haisin Central District Hospital. From 2016 to the present time he is studying in full-time postgraduate study at the ENT department of Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University. Since 2017 he has been working as an assistant at the ENT department of Vinnitsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University .


ENT professor sked for English speaking 4 course student National Pirogov Memorial Medical University (Vinnytsya) 2024–25 yy.




Doc. Bartsikhovskiy Andriy Igorovich

71 а

Vinnitsya Pirogov Memorial clinical hospital,

corpus 17, 4 floor, ENT department

(entrance throw Block’ street)

Schedule of reworking days missed practical lessons for foreign students of medical and dental faculties for 2024-2025 on ENT-department

Schedule of reworking days

missed practical lessons for foreign students of medical and dental faculties  on ENT-department







Docent Bartsikhovskiy A.I

Microsoft Teams room code: i38sog4


Monday - Friday




The missed «ENT diseases» classes and "2" can be reworked in the classroom at the Department of ENT diseases (offline), located in the territory of the Pirogov’ hospital, 17 building, 4th floor, entrance from the “Blocka”- street or online with your own teacher if you have good quality audio and video connections in Microsoft Teams classroom.                       

On the first ENT-diseases class students must prepare topics No.1 and No.2

On the first ENT-diseases class students must prepare topics No.1 and No.2 according to the practical classes calendar plan (ENT-organs endoscopic investigations & anatomy, physiology, methods investigations of the external, middle ear and sound analyzer). 


For ENT-clinical classes 4-th year students take place of the 4-th floor 17 corpus Pirogovka department (Pirogova 46 street) - against 4-th VNMU hostel (Police Heroes 34).

Garderob & bombshelter is placed underground (Zero-floor).



Attention all students !

Attention all students!

Students must have a surgical suit, medical gown, cap, and change of shoes to take practical classes at the Department of ENT Diseases!

ENT Reworks


ENT Reworks of a missed classes & negative score

will be provided twice a week online with Microsoft Teams platform

(timetable & room codes is placed downward).


Please, connect in time with your previous year teacher.


Docent Bartsikhovskiy A.I.,

Tuesday & Thursday – 3rd & 4th classes, which started at 13.05 & 15.15

Microsoft Teams room code: i38sog4.


Docent Bondarchuk O.D.,

Tuesday & Thursday – 3rd & 4th classes, which started at 13.05 & 15.15

Microsoft Teams room code: lqajvpc.


Docent Lobko K.A. 

Tuesday & Thursday – 3rd & 4th classes, which started at 13.05 & 15.15

Microsoft Teams room code: uaq1o7v.


Assistant Маksymchuk V.V.    
Monday & Wednesday – 3rd & 4th classes, which started at 13.05 & 15.15

Microsoft Teams room code: afp0he6.


Assistant Isnuk A.S. 
Monday & Wednesday – 3rd & 4th classes, which started at 13.05 & 15.15

Microsoft Teams room code: hdodfpb.


With regards                            ENT department administration

Science activity

Literature published by department



Address: KNP VOKL named after M.I. Pirogov VOR, building 17, 4th floor, entrance from the street Heroes of the police (Block) 46.

Phone: +380936049244


Address: VOKL named M.I. Pirogov , building 17, 4th floor, entrance from the street Heroes of the police (Block).

Phone: +380936049244
